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Symptoms Of Serious Health Conditions You Should Stop Ignoring

You Have a Blistery, Itchy Skin Rash

There are many types of rashes and as many reasons for skin rashes to appear. Rashes often are manifestations of problems going on inside the body. Rashes appear, trying to flush out toxins through the skin. Elbows, knees, back, scalp or rear end rashes that look like eczema need to be examined for autoimmune disruptions.

Coeliac (celiac) disorder is aggravated by products with gluten. This autoimmune disorder sets the stage for the body to attack the intestines with antibodies, ultimately becoming confused as to which cells are actually to blame for the illness.

The toxins build up under the skin causing the rash.

Stop eating gluten and the rash either improves or goes away. Many gluten products are also processed with chemicals that could be contributing to the sensitivity. Either way, removing gluten from the diet can protect your intestines and your body from further damage.

Approximately 25% of celiac patients experience this rash, medically referred to as dermatitis herpetiformis. Also, some patients will not experience digestive discomfort. Talk to your doctor about getting a simple biopsy of your rash.

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