Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis, which is commonly called hay fever, is connected to the stomach. It is no different from other allergies and diseases because the digestive system is significant to the efficiency of our immune system. Almost 70% of our body’s immunity is located within the stomach. Hay fever, as well as other allergic diseases, has been proven to be because of poor stomach health.
When there is a change in the bacteria in the stomach, it influences how immunity functions. While it is true that genetics, lifestyle, and the environment increase the risk of allergies, bacteria also have an impact. Probiotics and other sources of good bacteria can help ease allergic rhinitis. In fact, a study saw a notable improvement on people with hay fever after they were given lactobacilli probiotic for five weeks. Runny eyes were reduced, and their quality of life improved as well.
The gut is complex, but its importance to our health has become a primary topic in the medical community’s research. As you can see from above, it is connected to immunity, mood, skin conditions, and even mental health, which is why it is vital to keep it healthy.
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